On a dark and stormy night with roads flooding and wind screeching through the trees, seven lone travelers traversing the lanes of deepest, darkest Wiltshire happen upon a hotel. Here this group of disparate strangers gather for protection against the raging storm. By morning one of them is dead. Why? How? Who? Are they really strangers to one another? What dark secrets are they keeping? What do the hotel staff know that no one else appears to?
Can you work out who the killer is and why they did it? Join us for an evening of intrigue, conspiracy, revelations and murder…..
Light Supper included – please mention any dietary requirements or food allergies when purchasing tickets
Benson Hall is a licensed premise, and as such, only alcohol purchased on the premises may be consumed on the premises.
All proceeds from bar sales go toward maintaining the Village Hall, and its facilities, for future events.
We thank you for your continued support by attending this event.